How to be a Parish Patron

There are two questions to consider:

  1. Which Parish(es) to Sponsor? *

  2. What Level of Sponsorship?

* A parish can have only one sponsor

1. Parish(es) to Sponsor

Let us know which parish(es) you would like to sponsor and we will:

  1. Divide the parish(es) into Walks

  2. Time each Walk

  3. Calculate the Patron Fee at the level of sponsorship you choose

2. Level of Sponsorship

Parishkeeping hours are charged at the level you choose. As a comparator, the National Living Wage is £11.44 / hour for the financial year 2024/25.

There are three price plans:

Parish is the essential ecobrand-building plan. 

Planet supports you in involving your colleagues. 

Stellar offers tools to boost your ESG standing including an ESG-focused page on the Eden domain.

Send the form below, indicating which of these three plans is of interest.